Microneedling Hair Growth Treatment
Balding and thinning hair has been an issue that men and women have always struggled with. It can be frustrating to have your crown of glory dissipate. It can also affect your appearance in a way that makes you look older than you actually are. The effects of hair loss and balding go beyond personal cosmetic preferences. When you're not satisfied with your appearance, it affects your confidence level in social settings. It can also affect the perception others have of you. Social biases related to balding can negatively affect your career opportunities or competitive advantages in some situations. For all these reasons and more, Mouna's Beauty Spa offers scalp hair growth treatments that are amazingly effective in stimulating the natural growth of your own hair.
AnteAGE MDX Exosomes Microneedling Growth Factor Solution
AnteAGE MDX Exosomes are a fantastic anti-aging treatment with an incredible turn-around time. This solution is key to reducing post-treatment redness, meaning less downtime and an overall quicker recovery. Exosomes are tiny vesicles released by stem cells that play a role in cellular communication, promoting skin repair, collagen production, and reducing inflammation. The AnteAGE MDX line specifically focuses on advanced skin treatments, particularly for reducing signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation issues. Exosome treatments are becoming popular in dermatology and aesthetic practices around the world because of their unique potency to improve skin texture and tone, enhance healing, and support a youthful complexion.
Full Face & Neck Microneedling
AnteAGE MD Growth Factor Solution contains pro- healing, anti-inflammatory and cytokines which are specialized cells that science has determined function as "command and control" of healing in all injured tissues. TGF-B3 is added to further reduce inflammation and promote less fibrotic, more fetal-like healing. Hyaluronic acid provides lubrication and is a powerful humectant that promotes rapid re-hydration and volume enhancement within the upper layers of the skin.
Exosome Microneedling
The service begins with a cleansing and skin analysis. A desensitizing cream is applied for 20 minutes for your comfort, then removed. The microneedling is performed with AnteAGE MDX® Exosome Solution MD Hybrid engineered exosomes to improve your skin texture, tone and firmness. You can resume your normal skin care routine and make up the next day! This service can be repeated every 4-6 weeks. 60 Min.
Your skin changes happen over the course of time and you can improve your results with the right skin care between treatments.
In treatment I use: AnteAGE MDX® Exosome Solution MD Hybrid is Engineered Exosomes which are Cocultured conjugate of bone marrow and Wharton’s Jelly (BMSC and Umbilical) nanospheres filled with Growth Factors and Cytokines that help control inflammation and encourage healthy collagen growth by reversing the aging phenotype of the skin. They are part of a class of cell signals called Extracellular Vesicles (EVs)!
Benefits of Exosomes!
Exosomes contain nearly three times the amount of growth factors as adult stem cells.
This type of exosome has significant regenerative capabilities, they are used in anti-aging facial aesthetics and hair restoration.
Exosomes have several benefits for tissue regeneration including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory affects. They are used to significantly increase skin collagen and elastin. This can result in changing the appearance of scars, decrease skin irritation, help with acne, address sagging skin and reduce age spots and wrinkles.
One way exosomes can be used in a facial procedure is by combining them with micro-needling treatments. Exosomes are diffused over the outer skin layers, releasing growth factors to injured skin, thereby activating an enhanced wound healing process and tissue remodeling.
Using microneedling in combination with exosomes can have a direct impact on skin tone and texture issues, hyperpigmentation, scarring from acne and other common complexion concerns.
Exosomes contain nearly three times the amount of growth factors as adult stem cells. More growth factors means a better ability to restore and revitalize targeted skin cells.
The extent of your condition will also affect the rate at which you experience results. For most patients, the most apparent results tend to appear within three to four months of treatment, and the best, most dramatic results appear within nine months.
“Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or Microneedling with AnteAGE MDX® Exosomes contain 5 billion+ Exosome Nanospheres and use only growth factor proteins derived from the best source for cell regeneration. Exosomes are packages of biosignals that can change the behavior of cells and help heal the skin from the inside out. When the body senses an injury or malfunction, it sends exosomes to repair the damage. Exosomes can also reverse the aging phenotype of the skin and encourage healthy collagen growth.Although the body naturally produces exosomes, these cells are incredibly delicate. AnteAGE MDX® carefully preserves these exosomes to ensure maximum benefit for the skin. AnteAGE MDX® makes the perfect addition to microneedling, and other skin treatments, resulting in better recovery. This unique medical-grade formula contains highly active ingredients to soothe redness after the treatment.“